Saturday 29 December 2012

Vent du Sud closing 4 January

Oh this hurts.

But it has to be done. Not going into the reasons - there is no point.

Vent du Sud will close on 4 January 2013. If you want any of the 50L builds or the 1L (or free) decor items, now is the time to go look


Mainstore on the main square but builds also elsewhere on the sim (lighthouses, houses, greenhouse, plants, trees, etc.).

Not sure whether I'll keep the markeplace stuff yet (a few builds, a few furniture sets) yet, because I prefer people can go see stuff before buying.

I am NOT leaving SL, but I don't have the time or energy to keep the sim going in the way I want it.

(Did I say this hurts? It HURTS)

Oh, and yes, the blog will probably close too. Not sure about that yet. 

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Things that happen

OK, so I have excuses but you don't need to hear about them.

Nope, not the work nightmares in general or the work travel nightmares (one of them resulting in 8 weeks of antibiotics).

Really not.

So we should get onto SL news, right?

This could be a problem, as there ain't none (except that I have Good Intentions).

In fact, I had SUCH good intentions that, seeing a slightly less harrowing week ahead, I decided that it was going to be  Big Comeback time.

Silly me.

So, here's a little story about... stuff. Well actually it's quite long so do feel free to scroll. Just call it the result of blog withdrawal and I promise that this boring and this long will not happen again. Well, not often.

And no, it is not illustrated.  Please just imagine the visuals.

On Monday night, we were invited to friends (OK, so I'll get inworld tomorrow, I think - what's one more day?).

And then, it starts to rain during the evening.

As in huge rain with storms that keep waking me up.

At 5 am, I note the absence of the alarm clock display. Always bad news.

Absence of all power, in fact. Power cuts do happen in rural France. It's part of the fun deal.

So off I trot to the fuses, attempt to restore power (and thus heating and useful stuff like that) and it comes on briefly but the main fuse keeps flipping. Not a power cut then.

I proceed by elimination, flip one fuse after another, and find the problem is on the "external" circuit: I decide water must have got into a "waterproof" plug adapter outside so grab a torch, remove it, get soaked, but congratulate self when the fuses then behave nicely.

The woman is a genius!

And then I realise there is water flowing out from a drainhole, all over the garage floor.

At this point, I decide I should wake Mr RL so he can join the fun.

The damned drain appears to serve no purpose except it's connected to the main drain outside (which is, of course, overflowing too - but soggy garden is better than flooded garage, which is not used as a garage but a workshop and storage place and even has a big old rug that soaks up water most beautifully).

Long sentence. Bad writer-y person.

Oh, and on closer inspection, there's a smaller lake in the utility room (we live with a trickle or two when it rains, occasionally, but this was a bigger-than-usual trickle).

We mop. We admit we should have done something about the drain and the trickle before but then it doesn't usually rain that much in such a short time.

We have coffee.

Mr RL decrees that the trickle is slowing down and the drain has almost stopped overflowing. We are lulled into a false sense of calm.

More coffee.

Then, I go turn on the PC because I have a very urgent job to deliver, and realise we have no phone line. And thus no Internet.

After hitting a zillion buttons on their helpline, discover from a very snotty France Telecom person that they can't send anybody today (maybe tomorrow). Also, they only handle stuff outside as in if the problem is "their fault", but if it's inside the house, it needs another appointment ("a few days later") or you find your own electrician. Because it's "your fault".

More coffee. It starts raining heavily again.

Mr RL heads off to buy a cap for the drain, involving lots of good advice from his DIY store friends. That, in fact, proves to work. So far, anyway.

(None of them can imagine why anybody would want to put a drainhole from outside running back into the garage either. The mystery remains).

But it is, after all, France.

Meanwhile, I establish the fact that the neighbours who share our telephone pole are not cut off, and set about finding an electrician. Except electricians are like gold here and I discover not many do "telephone stuff".

I go borrow the neighbours' Internet line for half an hour. They hover. I'm distracted, but at least I get stuff sent.

Yet more coffee.

Call friends to see if they know electricians. Attempt to work. Fend off panic attacks. Realise just how much I rely on the Internet when I'm doing technical translations quite apart from getting and sending work.

The day drags on. And then, around lunchtime...


Wonderful electrician who is a friend-of-friend calls back,  arrives, fixes the phone wires (good news although it takes two hours), but confirms that the phone itself and the Internet router are burned out, most probably from lightning and despite having a lightning conductor (bad news).

Dash to the Big Town for a replacement router and phone (two-hour round trip because they can only be obtained from the provider's stores, not locally) and get back to find... the whole neighbourhood is in the dark and, as our neighbours call to tell us, has been for the last two hours.

The electricity company have said it will be back "soon", apparently.  Mind, they always do.

And it's cold in the house. And it's still raining.

We grab torches and candles and firewood for the stove, and I try not to freak out.

Wine is poured. Medicinal, of course.

Half an hour later, the power actually trundles back.

And the new router works. And I have my second glass of wine in front of me.


Light. Heat. Internet. Phone. Cooking facilities. Slowly drying garage and utility room and rug.

But it has taken 15 hours. And way too much coffee and nothing to eat.

So I cook pasta. Drink much, much more wine.

Then conk out. Waking up every hour paranoid about floods and phones and power cuts.

So tonight could be the night I get back inworld. Except I have another heap of jobs and deadlines that landed on my desk and I need sleep. Badly.

And it's still raining. 

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Disconcerting things

Well, top of the list of disconcerting things are:
  • earache from orange juice (and from a bunch of other stuff, but... long and totally irrelevant story) and
  • my daughter (25, brilliant, geeky marketing person) reads my SL blog and I never knew.  Scary. Meaning I can no longer whine about overwork and feeling crap on this blog because parents shouldn't whine. Apparently.
  • In a lousy economic climate, and being a freelancer which is not exactly secure, I am ridiculously fortunate to have masses and MASSES of work (but am too scared to say "no" to any of my clients).
Ooops whining. Better talk about SL then, huh?

Ummm. OK. SL. Vent du Sud, even.

No time to do anything but pay rent (whine whine whine) for weeks ... or rather months now because of work and more work, plus major family visit (4 of them, including two teenage boys and oh boy can they eat but I digress already), and the need to go stare into space of an evening, outside.

Summer and all that. Wine and provence and lavender and peace... there are worse thing.

We have bats that drink out of our pool at night. Which is completely irrelevant to anything, but it's fascinating.

However, and not being one to give up (that) easily, I have paid my rent and - is this a sign? - paid some money into SL and it worked FIRST TIME. No snarky messages from either my bank or LL.

This is a first. 

And why have I put money in?

Well... I miss it. I actually miss Vent du Sud like hell. Can I say hell on a family blog?

I do NOT miss bitchy comments and one-star reviews on the marketplace (AGAIN) because something hasn't been delivered (and did they tell me? No).

I am NOT happy about the fact that somebody flagged an item of mine because of "wrong permissions" without telling me (and the permissions were NOT wrong when I did that hellish migration thing but apparently are now).  I have changed it. Gritting my teeth.

But I do miss it. So many things about it.

You may not understand this, dear daughter (if you are reading it). Or you might.  Working for a gaming company, I hope you will. 

So... better get going again, right?

 (Mind, I still need to juggle SL with the work, the vegetable garden, cooking, more work, travel for work, and now and then a little sleep and a little bat-watching).

But I'll try.

Wednesday 25 April 2012

So anyway

Yes, I am still trying to find my feet in SL again.

And I will get there.

Well, I hope so.

However, our oldest cat (nearly 19) is fading fast and going for the big sleep this afternoon after a rather difficult few days.

Not easy.

Apologies for a huge digression from normal posting. Normal service will be resumed shortly.

Friday 20 April 2012

Battered and flattered


No, not so much me in RL any more - I'm feeling less battered by the day. So much so I found myself taking vain, vain photos of myself in SL last night (see at the end) rather than getting on with some building. Bad me.

THIS battered.

It's one of the things I made on a whim, and liked (despite endless fiddling with offsets). 

Whims are good.

Prims? 4. Price? 1L.  To be found, of course, at Vent du Sud at the front of the mainstore.


Oh yeah. 

See, Terry (Wumpole) and Mike (Stonesoul) offered me a booth at their home accessories exhibition, which was, I think, the decisive kick in the thing I can't say on a family-safe blog that I needed to get me moving again.

(Terry and Mike are lovely and I'm delighted to know them. And not just because they seem to have acquired a taste for provencal builds and decor). 

So I put the table there, along with a few other things, all at 1L.

Like the 1 prim bench (which is normally part of the greenhouse set but I should sell it separately, maybe, and in other colours?).

Yes. (Adds to to-do list).

More on the greenhouse set on the Marketplace.

It has anims. Couples and singles.  Look.

Please do go and have a look around at the expo - it's something they're doing for the sheer love of decorating. It's fun, it's not huge, but there are some great things to be found.

The vain bit? Here you go.

Tuli Audrey skin, with a lipstain from MOCK that I adore. And a lovely messy hairdo from Damselfly.
So vain. But probably better than a shopping spree which I would love but then I'll never get any building done.

Off to work and to cross fingers and toes I get some building time in later.

The ideas, they are a-coming.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

One step at a time

Don't faint, or say "about time" or "oh, her again", but... thanks to the pharmaceutical industry, slightly less horrendous RL deadlines, and a PC and a connection that work... and the Marketplace back in action (although not without blood, sweat and tears)...

...I have stuck my toes back into the murky sparkling waters of SL. A little tentatively, but definitely a start.

And for once am not ranting but talking about that thing I used to do. Whatcha call it?


Spring flower bench, click to change plants, 1L

I EVEN put out a couple of spring-ish things like the one above. Find them here, ALL FOR 1L or *gasp* free at Vent du Sud.

OK, not new. But new since last spring.

I EVEN took some photos of other 1L / free stuff. Colour change fabrics on the baskets.

Here's another photo, this time  the summer cabins (19 prims, 50L, go look pls thanks).

And I EVEN hopped up to my work platform to attempt a little progress on "things abandoned". You do not need to see photos of this because it is a mess.

I EVEN changed clothes (and came up with the worst possible lighting for what is in fact a stunning skirt and jacket). My apologies to Zaara (Larin skirt, moves beautifully) and Mon Tissu jacket.

(Also, spot the bunch of tulips in the bucket, plus the wishing well, also a spring whim... 1L each)

Looks like I have a way to go before attempting a proper fashion post again, although I do vaguely recollect I did those too. Sorry about this rather weak effort.


One step at a time. 

PS: Also, I shall be posting again very soon on a cute, delightful home accessories expo run by two extraordinarily nice guys- some really nice, well-made things to be found there.

Including *cough* mine.


Tuesday 3 April 2012

Pettiness and cowardice

Let me tell you a story.

A couple of months back I got a crappy review on the Marketplace for my Best Selling Item (yes, and ranted about it) because... it wasn't delivered. A one-star report because of that (did she contact me? No).

I flagged it, and it disappeared - either LL or the reviewer did it, no idea.

So far, so good.

Lots of nice people said nice things about the rant, too, which gave me the warm and fuzzies. And the Best Selling Item started selling again. For 6L, I might add.

Today, I tried the direct delivery migration thing which failed miserably (these two things are linked, bear with me).

Now, I did find on Google that it didn't work if your interface wasn't in English, and the viewer I had loaded for the purpose picked up that I was in France so OK. I changed the language to English, and it said it worked.

It didn't.

So the Magic Box is back.

(I am digressing more than usual, but I have an utterly crappy ear infection, am swamped with work, but I did want to see if I could get that done so I actually took an hour off to try it).

(No, not expecting sympathy).

But back to the Marketplace and - wait for it - while checking to see that the Magic Box was working, what do I find? Two more crappy reviews for that same, 6L best-seller, two days apart soon after that review that disappeared.

Funny, that.

(OK, I say best-seller but I maybe sold a couple of hundred over a year or so, but even. I was proud of it).

(Yes I know this is full of stuff in brackets. Earache is a bitch).

So I took it down. As the best-seller, it was the first thing that comes up on my store.

(Pride, I know).

The complaints this time? This sort of thing:
-  "Crappy scripting and doesn't work, nor do the anims" (it does, I just tested it with a friend, in two locations. It is a standard nPose script).
- "Horrible notecard giver, won't use it" (the box it is packed in gives the instruction notecard for nPose plus the colour changes, plus - I admit it - an LM. Dammit, how often do you need to place the box to open it, anyway...?)
- "You get what you pay for... it may be cheap but it's crap" (ouch ouch ouch and ... just ouch)
- "Not mod/copy" (yes it WAS, checked that too)

Did these "people" contact me? No.

I just don't need the hassle. Hence it is gone. Too miserable to go inworld to delete the inworld version but I should.

I may do another version of it in another colour range, double check it again, and expect people do be intelligent enough to find the instruction notecard in the contents... or just write it off.

COWARD, I know.

I am half expecting  the phantom reviewer to start on something else next.

How petty. 

Can you tell I'm not super happy with SL right now?