Friday 18 November 2011

Return from chaos?

Hey people....and no I have not fallen off the planet.

Trip to Vietnam (work), washing mountain, sick computer, massive backlog of other work. Oh, and a large chunk of garden, meaning pruning (very cathartic, pruning) and otherwise putting stuff to bed for winter.

I mean it's always busy at this time of year but this has been much worse than usual.

(For a change, as as I have nothing new to plug, have a photo of Vietnam)

Virtually no SL, sadly, because no time and / or no energy except to sneak in for a few minutes and usually to drop off to sleep in front of the screen while trying to hold a conversation. Not ideal. And building? Er... that requires coherent though and I was fresh out of it.

I did, thankfully, manage to save my photos (and work stuff!) before the HD finally crashed - and this on a 7-month old machine.

Not impressed, and telling me "well you know travelling isn't good for them" does not make me happy. In fact it makes me rather cranky as the poor guy at the PC shop might just have noticed.

(Lots of cropping and fiddling to do yet, and to upload a few onto Flickr but one thing at a time, eh?)

However, Vent du Sud is still there, even if part of Rett's store went mysteriously missing (but I did find time to put it back).

And as of this weekend, or thereabouts, there will be new stuff and breathless subscribo messages etc. etc. etc.

As long, that is, that nothing else breaks down, blows up or falls apart. Mr SL broke the chainsaw this morning but that doesn't count, really. I draw the line at chopping down branches (or chopping up bodies).

Back soon then, and hugs all round from a VERY tired Ari...!

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