Friday 24 June 2011

(Not) catching up but jade and curves and oh so tired

Rollled in last night after two back to back trips, one unplanned. Woke up surrounded by happy cats, and coffee is on the way.


Except I have to leave again in 9 days for what I hope is the last trip for a couple of months and before that I have a desk groaning with things to finish. So on with the 7 days a week marathon for a bit longer.

 I miss SL and  Vent du Sud, though. I really miss slinging prims and watching virtual waves, and...

...ah well. I also miss sleep and time to curl up with a book but must not complain. As I said, I have work and quieter times are sort of in sight. (Whine whine whine).

Ah yes, JADE.

Which happens to be one of the colours in the NEW stuff at Vent du Sud I was all set to add to (and of course just 1L, couples and singles poses, chair and table to match).

All unusual curves and four texture options too. Only 7 prims for the couch and a tiny 4 for the chair.

 Oh and there's a bed in the same pretty colours, also 1L. Click on the covers (they include white linen and dusky pinky-purple). Two couples poses or add your own, um, accessories.

Excuse me while I rummage for something...

Ah yes, the DoNothing cushions in the four colours of the couch and bed (but each one clickable to change textures, of course). Again, 1L. Yes, one little Linden per item (like everything else in the store).

Vent du Sud and its 1L decor and 50L builds,
Jade Poison Lotus top from Fishy Strawberry
Skirt group gift from Kunglers
and shoes (OF COURSE) the fabulous Talyna from ENKYTHINGS at Vent du Sud.

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