Friday, 24 July 2009

Fanning myself...

One of the things I love about living in southern France is the weather - but oh boy it's hot right now. I have two tips for coping when it's really sizzling - a spray of mineral water (take glasses off first, as I found out the hard way) and... a fan.

Fans are just so pretty. Spanish women turn them into an art form, too - a flick of the wrist can be coquettish or brazen, shy or cheerful.

So, come and see the really stunning fans made by Alain Papp (AC Creations) at Vent du Sud - they include a cute animation, and there is a whole series of them, to wear with anything from a ball gown to a cool linen sundress. Such a great idea! (And such a terrible photo, but that's nothing new, eh?).

And while you're visiting, check out Alain's stunning costumes: he has a superb eye for detail, and specialises in one-off, unique pieces on order (including Venetian carnival costumes - ask him early as they're works of art), wedding dresses, etc.

Yep, that's Alain (another terrible photo, I know).

Also, quick note: most of the 1L and free items on our market stand will soon be replaced. Come over before we move them - for instance there's a great flower arrangement, a mood lamp with lots of colour changes, sublimely textured pottery.

... and if you feel like cooling down, come and take a refreshing (virtual) dip, while I go listen to the (RL) cigales and concoct some more surprises at Vent du Sud!

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