Friday 1 April 2011

How to be totally frustrated (involves flashers and pink violins)

Do not let your other half choose a laptop for you in your absence. Ever.

(Have a photo, read about new wall art at Vent du Sud below, but first let me scream, please?)

This is a computer which, when you read up about it, (he didn't) is the buggiest, crashiest model in the known universe. And I have hated it for the last six months because of it.

Mr RL's original theory was that it is all about SL (no, it isn't. It crashes on Google. It crashes on everything and does for thousands of unhappy owners on several continents. Hmph.

"Flash your bios", say all the forums, usefully linking to a new one.

So I shall have to go and find a flasher.  Soon.

Not the type you find on back streets, no, but somebody who can save my sanity. (Tenuous connection in terms of back streets, but here's another bit of wall art).

Mind, I still want to collect as much for Doctors Without Borders as possible until 20 April soooo.... despite a particularly Bad Computer Week I have at least uploaded some of my own photos, taken one morning at the market in the town I live and photoshopped the crap out of them skilfully.

Yours, obviously, for 1L.

Smart 2-prim version version of a couple in the mainstore, and in the big summer cabin, a small selection on a one-prim base with rather pretty frame that you can resize, turn on full bright, etc.

Don't you love this guy with the pink (electric)  violin?

OK going now in the hope that today there will be fewer blue screens of death and cursing and general bad humour. 

But here's the mini-expo and of course two sizes of cabin for just 50L.

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