Wednesday 15 December 2010

In which I get sentimental (and a tower and another of THOSE beds for 1L)

50L, copy, right here - bed 1L, keep reading

 My RL birthday, wedding anniversary, Christmas and my rezz day all fall within a month, and I do want to mark these things by sharing somehow. I love celebrating.

... anyway, stop being sentimental, woman, and get on with the post. First celebration special right here.

The tower was a build I made this year but had no spare prims to keep it out for long. Now I do, so here it is and I'd love for you to look at it. And if you have a spare 50L...  (it's copy, 40 prims plus 8 for the extras included: firebowl, chandelier, cushions etc).

Inside... is a special version of THAT bed, which is, of course, 1L. Deep rich red and no canopy this time. But click the tower curtain...

The bed - only for 2 days. The tower, maybe a week?

Yes, I am sentimental. Towers give a powerful message. From strength to being locked away, from dreaming to wistfulness when you gaze out from them. Places to celebrate or places to be alone.

Standing atop mine brought out a lot of thoughts last night, but not quite the place to ramble about that here.

Just... hit sunrise or midnight and watch the sea. SL can be so beautiful, no?

(The beacon of light at the top must say something too)

Anyway, hope you find a moment to drop in. I need to stop getting mushy and get ON. I have a bunch of things to finish and put out and share.

Oh, and feel free to use the place for photos or dancing. I have popped an Intan terminal downstairs, too.
Coco designs group gift turtleneck, hair Afterglow, cake

1 comment:

Chic Aeon said...

Just wanted to say congrats on all you have to celebrate. I did stop by the shop again the other day and I picked up a few things (none of "those beds" for me though *wink*). My tastes were in the retro modern section. So thanks for helping keep my inventory fresh. You just never know when you will need things.